
Revolutionary liquid fertiliser containing fast-acting, highly-mobile phosphite. Stimulates plant energy transfer and natural defence mechanisms.
HortiMix Standard

High quality water-soluble NPK powders. Formulated for use in soft and moderately hard water.
HortiCron Evergreen

Ideal for sustained growth and rapid green up.
HortiBase CRF

Controlled-release fertilisers, formulated in a wide range of analyses and longevities for long-term, container grown plants
HortiChel Compound T.E. Fertiliser

An organically-complexed, safe to use, compound trace element fertiliser with added magnesium
HortiChel Liquid TE Range

A wide range of chelated trace elements in fast-acting liquid form
HortiFol (Soluble)

Foliar fertilisers containing NPK, Mg and trace elements, plus our 'HortiHumic Complex' to aid uptake and provide a biostimulant effect.
HortiHydrate Pro

Hortifeeds have developed a new, specialised horticultural wetter.
HortiMix Extra

High quality water-soluble NPK powders. Formulated for use in hard water areas where bicarbonate content is higher.
HortiMix Soft Water + Calcium

Specifically-formulated for use in soft water areas. They provide NPK with calcium and magnesium in one complete fertiliser.

A highly-effective and readily absorbed silicate fertiliser. (21% Si)
NuGro Range

Exceptionally effective, easy to apply, liquid fertilisers. Suitable for use in organically and conventional growing systems.
HortiTop Range

Slow-release, top-dressing feeds for container-grown trees and shrubs. They provide tired and hungry plants with a boost for rapid recovery.