Technical Support

Technical Support

Nutrient deficiencies and excesses can seriously reduce both crop quality and yields while increasing the susceptibility to disease and pest attack. Precise identification of problem areas allows preventative action to be taken, by means of a carefully planned crop nutrition programme.

To ensure identification of issues early, tissue and spray tank water analysis should be preformed periodically. Tissue analyses is used to check nutrient status, while  soil anaylsis identifys the relative levels of all the essential elements. Analysis of spray tank water supply and irrigation water can identify factors leading to detrimental pesticide hydrolysis or application of unwanted elements.

Hortifeeds offer a computerised interpretation of the analytical results provided by a wholly independent laboratory, backed-up by the services of our experienced agronomist.

Our resident agronomist, Mike Wainwright, has worked in the industry for 30 years. He has turned his love of horticulture into a career. While he now works with commericla growers, he boasts past experience as a grower of a wide range of ornamentals and edibles, both protected and outdoors. This means he is  ideally experienced to help any grower, whatever their crop or growing situation.

Experience as a horticultural plant pathologist and researcher has also broadened his expertise. By being BASIS and FACTS qualified Mike uses his experience to help with crop growth and quality issues throughout the industry.


In addition to our expanding range of standard products, Hortifeeds have the facilities to make bespoke blends. Please contact your Sales Manager for more information.




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