Tips and advice for Autumn production and getting ready for Winter, including use of peat free media
This year we have seen high disease and pest pressure on many crops, and within the soft fruit sector this has especially affected raspberry and strawberry production. This hasn’t been helped by the weather in most of the country, with a largely mild end to last year, followed by a particularly cold and wet start this year combining to provide conditions which are ripe for fungal diseases and pest outbreaks.
HortiPhyte is a potassium phosphite biostimulant which increases the rate of energy transfer within the plant, resulting in increased root and shoot initiation. Phosphite is highly mobile and active within the plant and moves systemically to the roots, and vice versa.

It also stimulates and supports natural plant defence mechanisms as natural phytoalexin production is maximised, stimulating healthy growth under conditions which may be favourable to some root rots and leaf diseases. HortiPhyte is effective when applied either as a foliar spray or via drip irrigation. Autumn applications to overwintered strawberry plants and raspberry canes, as well as blackcurrants, blackberries, apples and grape vines can help to strengthen the plant and increase resilience to disease pressure going into next season.
HortiBoost combines seaweed, amino acids, humic acids and major and minor nutrients to help both relieve stress and aid recovery from stress conditions including environmental factors such as extreme heat and drought, as well as the aftereffects of diseases and pests. HortiBoost can be used effectively via foliar application or drip irrigation and root drench, and is often combined with regular pesticide spray programmes to provide a treatment that’s both convenient and cost effective. HortiBoost is ideal for a wide range of crops including top and soft fruit, ornamental trees, and nursery stock.

We are seeing ornamental growers largely moving into winter production programmes now, and higher K formulations such as the specially designed HortiMix Poinsettia Mix and HortiMIx 12-6-36 contain the ideal balance of nutrients for strong, sturdy growth and taking nursery stock through from late summer to winter production, helping to achieve stronger, healthier plants. HortiMIx soluble feeds are available in a range of formulations to suit all water grades including standard, soft water, hard and extremely hard water and can be used in combination with calcium nitrate, either in a 2-tank system or by alternating feeds.
HortiHydrate Bio is ideally applied directly the growing media via drip irrigation helping to penetrate the substrate and spread water and nutrients evenly through the media, reducing pooling and dry spots and also reducing any effects of poor substrate structure.

HortiSil is an ideal product to help with Autumn and Winter feeding and preparing nursery stock for overwintering. Containing good levels of silicon, which helps to strengthen and stabilise cell walls and improve the utilisation of other nutrients within the plant. HortiSil also contains humates and generous levels of potassium which in combination help to improve mechanical strength and enhance quality sturdy growth, resulting in increased resilience to attack by insect pests and fungi. HortiSil is ideally applied by drench or drip irrigation.
- Ben Dalton Regional Sales Manager, Hortifeeds
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Hortifeeds will be exhibiting at: on 19 October Competition Day on 19 October on 1 & 2 November